MASCOTS are available for you to use with our school planners. Simply indicate the file name of the mascot on your order form, or submit a copy of your mascot if you have one. Browse our mascots by clicking on the alphabet links above. The mascot gallery will open in a new window. Click any thumbnail to see an enlarged copy of the mascot. When you are finished browsing, simply close the mascot gallery window to return to this screen.
Be sure to browse using different keywords to see all mascots which may apply. For example, if your mascot is the Stallions, check also under Horses. Once you have decided which mascot file you wish to use on your cover, make a note of the file name (which appears under the thumbnail or at the top of the enlarged page). Please indicate the file name on your Order Form, or submit a printout of the enlarged mascot page which will show the file name at the top of the page: |